About AMO
ISO 9001
- ISO Certification in aeronautical meteorological services is one of the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). It prescribes that each Contracting State should provide meteorological services certificated by the International Organization for Standardization to improve the safety, regularity, and efficiency of international air navigation.
- 「ICAO Annex 3」 2.2.2 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the designated meteorological authority referred to in 2.1.4 establishes and implements a properly organized quality system comprising procedures, processes and resources necessary to provide for the quality management of the meteorological information to be supplied to the users listed in 2.1.2
- 「ICAO Annex 3」 2.2.3 Recommendation. - The quality system established in accordance with 2.2.2 should be in conformity with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series of quality assurance standards and should be certified by an approved organization.
Status of AMO's QMS Certification
- Obtained its first QMS Certification (Oct. 2003)
- Standard : ISO 9001:2000
- Scope : Aviation Meteorological Services
- Organization : IQEC (International Quality Environmental Certification)
- Expansion of the Certification to Aviation Weather Office (Oct. 2008)
- Expansion of the Certification to Aviation Weather Station (Oct. 2009)
- Certification Organization Changed (Oct. 2012)
- Standard : ISO 9001:2008
- Organization : KPCQA (Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance)
- Certification Standard and Organization Changed (Nov. 2016)
- Standard : ISO 9001:2015
- Organization : KFQ (Korean Foundation for Quality)
- Organization Changed (Oct. 2021)
- Organization : KPCQA (Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance)
Benefits of ISO Certification
- Contribution to the safe operation of aircraft through continued improvement in AMO's operation and services
- Maintenance of the sustainability and effectiveness of the management system through regular assessments by the certification organization